Radioprogramma zoekt hulp: Help 6 vluchtelingen aan een baan!
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- Radioprogramma zoekt hulp: Help 6 vluchtelingen aan een baan!
[EO] Hulp gezocht! Wil jij een vluchteling aan een baan helpen? Het radioprogramma De Doe-Het-Zelf Democratie en Whocares willen vrijwilliger Joost van der Hel helpen om zes nieuwkomers op weg te helpen naar een baan. Wat hebben ze nodig? LinkedIn-profiel, foto’s en video’s om zichzelf te presenteren, maatpakken, professionals op hun vakgebied die hen onder de hoede nemen.
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Meer informatie over de CV van de zes nieuwkomers:
I’m 24 years old. On August 2015 I arrived in the Netherlands with a lot of dreams which I want to make true. I have a background in tourism management with four years experience. Since my arrival in The Netherlands I did a lot of projects and I participated in events as much as possible. It helps me to learn the Dutch culture, language, make friends and create relevant networks. My biggest dream? One day I hope to invite you all to sleep in my own hotel which has my name on it! Currently Im looking for a job as front office agent in a hotel.
Ik heb een bachelor degree in Banking and Finance van Aleppo Universiteit-Syrië. Ik heb in Arab Bank-Syria voor 6 jaar gewerkt. In retail-afdeling.
Ik woon in Nijmegen. Ik kan Nederlandse, Engelse en Arabische spreken. Mijn droom is om te werken in Rabobank die is een van de beste banken in Nederland.
Im from Syria, 22 years old, I’m Graphic Designer & Photographer. In Syria and Egypt, I worked with many companies as a Graphic Designer. Last year I also worked as a Photographer beside Graphic Designer for a Furniture company. I like Visual & Digital Design & Advertising Making. I like to meet people who are interested in Advertising Making, Photography, Editing Photos and Graphic Design. Also, if I can help you with any internship where I can gain more work experience, please let me know. I really like to keep developing myself and use my skills!
My name is Ebaa Albalous, I am here in the Netherlands since one and a half years ago and I live in the municipality of Amsterdam.
My Certificates is Technical Diploma in Tourism Sciences (field of competence of cutting airline tickets by program Galileo and Amadeus).
I’m busy now with the school (Dutch language) and besides i'm looking where i can do internship in those program (Galileo- Amadeus) and learn some specific skills or specific job to gain work experience in the Dutch job market.
My Certificates is Technical Diploma in Tourism Sciences (field of competence of cutting airline tickets by program Galileo and Amadeus).
I’m busy now with the school (Dutch language) and besides i'm looking where i can do internship in those program (Galileo- Amadeus) and learn some specific skills or specific job to gain work experience in the Dutch job market.
Mohammed is journalist en werkte in Syrië bij grote dagbladen. Hij doet momenteel naast zijn taalonderwijs stages. Hij is op zoek naar een journalist bij een grote Nederlandse krant (bij voorkeur NRC, Volkskrant of Financieel Dagblad). Hij wil graag samen met een Nederlandse journalist een achtergrond artikel schrijven over vluchtelingen en de ervaringen die zij ondervinden in hun weg naar werk).
I am a result-driven ICT professional with more than 10 years of experience in user support, setup, configuration and maintenance. Mostly working in challenging and dynamic environments to provide creative solutions under pressure. Unfortunately, due to the current events in home country, Syria, I was enforced to leave my job and search for safe and stable environment for my family and the route eventually led me to seeking refuge in Netherlands since 2015.
During this period, I have started to learn Dutch and tried to keep learning through online courses. As a professional, I had worked with network installations but I never had the chance to work directly with server configurations. Therefore, I am keen on learning more and developing myself by seeking to be certified in MCSA for example. I am also seeking a new career challenge that will further develop my technical capacity and skills and help me better provide and support my family, while providing me with sustainable career growth. I am confident that my experience and skills underpinned by my motivation and dedication for giving back to Netherlands, qualify me to seek support for obtaining educational opportunities in the field of ICT work as well as related job opportunities that will help me better provide for my family.
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